This project is part-financed by the European Union and the Federal State of Thuringia.
Information according to section 5 TDG (Teleservices Act) and disclaimer:
kanngießer j a u c k architekten GbR
högernweg 19
99867 gotha / germany
phone: +49 3621 50 42 31
fax: +49 3621 50 42 32
email: info@kj-architekten.de
web: www.kj-architekten.de
Ines M. Jauck, Dipl.-Ing.
Architect list number: 1939-01-1-A
Tom Kanngießer, Dipl.-Ing.
Architect list number: 1772-99-1-A
competent chamber:
Architektenkammer Thüringen
Bahnhofstr. 39
D-99084 Erfurt / Germany
Postfach 100819
D-99008 Erfurt / Germany
phone: +49 361 21 05 00
fax: +49 361 21 05 05 0
email: info@architekten-thueringen.de
professional regulations:
Thuringia Architect and Engineer Chamber Act (ThürAIKG)
Professional regulations of the Thuringian Chamber of Architects
Fee Regulation for Architects and Engineers (all in the latest version; through the Thuringian Chamber of Architects)
editor / responsibility for contents:
kanngießer j a u c k architekten GbR
högernweg 19
99867 gotha / germany